FAI blogs
- Role of INM for Sustainable Agriculture
- Union Budget – 2025-26: Focus on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity
- Sustainability in Fertilizer and Agriculture Sectors
- Sustainable Fertilizer and Agriculture
- Transforming Indian Agriculture
- Evaluating Green Ammonia Adoption in Indian Fertilizer Industry
- Fertilizer Marketing under Changing Environment
- Union Budget 2024-25: Focus on Agriculture
- Towards Self-Reliance
- Reliability and Efficiency Improvement in Fertilizer Plants
- Holistic Approach for Agricultural Development
- Innovations in Agriculture
- Fertilizer and Agriculture Sectors in 2023-24
- SSP Industry : The Way Forward
- Fertilizer Sector – Vital for Agricultural Production
- Innovations in Fertilizer and Agriculture Sectors
- Resilient Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security
- Millets for Food and Nutrition Security
- Fertilizer Scenario during 2022-23
- Initiatives for the Farmers
- Promoting Alternative Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture
- Water Management in Fertilizer Industry
- Fertilizers : Key to Food Security
- Carbon Management for Sustainable Soil Health and Environment
- Unleashing the Potential of Single Super Phosphate
- Union Budget 2023-24: Vision of Future - Ready Agriculture Sector
- Indian Fertilizer Sector – Gearing for Future
- Fertilizer Sector by 2030
- Nutrient Management Strategies in Rainfed Agro-ecosystems of India
- National Logistics Policy and the Fertilizer Supply Chain
- Fertilizer Sector Performance during 2021-22
- Innovative Fertilizers for Enhanced Nutrient Use Efficiency and Sustainable Agriculture
- Monsoon Rains and Indian Agriculture
- Improving Reliability of Fertilizer Plants
- Prospects of Green Ammonia for Fertilizer Production
- Precision Agriculture for Sustainable Food Security
- Ensuring Supply of Fertilizers
- Union Budget 2022-23 : Maintaining Momentum in Agriculture Sector
- Fertilizer Policy Reforms for Sustainable Agriculture
- Challenges in Agriculture and Fertilizer Sectors
- Climate Smart Agriculture – A Holistic Solution to Combat Climate Change
- Reducing Environmental Footprint from Fertilizer Production
- Fertilizer Sector during 2020-21
- Challenges in Availability of Fertilizers
- Energy Conservation in Indian Fertilizer Industry
- Challenges Remain in Fertilizer Sector
- Availability of Fertilizers for Kharif 2021 and Beyond
- Specialty Fertilizers in Indian Agriculture
- Changing Face of Indian Agriculture
- Union Budget 2021-22: Continued Focus on Agriculture and Fertilizer Sectors
- Reforms in Indian Fertilizer Sector
- Fertilizer and Agriculture during COVID-19
- Agriculture : The Savior of Indian Economy during Pandemic
- Fertilizer Sector during 2019-20
- Supply Chain Management during Lockdown
- Current Fertilizer and Agriculture Situation in India
- Liquidity Crisis in Fertilizer Sector
- Reliability of Static Equipment in Fertilizer Plants
- Fertilizer Industry Amidst COVID-19 Crisis
- Integrated Nutrient Management: Key to Sustainable Soil Health and Crop Productivity
- Union Budget 2020-21: Thrust on Agriculture but Disappointment for Fertilizer Sector
- Urgent Need for Course Correction in Fertilizer Sector
- New Approach to Fertilizer Sector
- South West Monsoon and Rabi Prospects
- Challenges in Fertilizer Marketing
- Performance of Fertilizer Sector during 2018-19
- Sustainable Water Conservation and Management–Need of the Hour
- Union Budget 2019-20: Focus on Rural Sector - Silent on Reforms in Fertilizer Sector
- Reliability of Power and Electrical System in Fertilizer Plants
- Rationalization of Prices for Balanced Fertilization
- Contribution of ICAR - All India Coordinated Research Projects in Natural Resource Management
- Liquidity Crisis Persists for Fertilizer Industry
- Interim Budget 2019-20: Direct Income Support to Farmers: Fertilizer Sector Remains Neglected
- Self-Reliance in Fertilizer Production
- Viability of Indigenous Fertilizer Production
- Boron – A Micronutrient of Macro Importance
- Progress of DBT in Fertilizer Sector
- Fertilizer Sector during 2017-18
- Climate Change and Indian Agriculture
- Present Fertilizer Scenario
- Improving Safety in Fertilizer Plants
- DBT in Fertilizer Sector - A Reality Check
- Micronutrients in Balanced Plant Nutrition
- Urea Industry is in Crisis
- Union Budget 2018-19: Focus on Farm Income - Fertiliser Sector Left Out
- Fertilizers and Farm Income
- Fertilisers and Farm Income
- Enhancing Potassium Consumption: Need of Policy Support
- Fertiliser Sector during 2016-17
- Challenges in Fertiliser Marketing
- Prospects of Weather and Fertilisers during kharif 2017
- Micronutrients : Macro Issues
- Enhancing Efficiency of Fertiliser Plants
- Implementation of GST for Fertiliser Sector
- Importance of Phosphorus and Potash in Indian Agriculture
- DBT for Fertiliser Subsidy
- Union Budget 2017-18: Emphasis on Agriculture, Fertiliser Sector Ignored
- Domestic Manufacturing Needs Policy Support
- Fertiliser - Make in India?
- Soil, Water and Fertilisers to Ensure Food and Nutritional Security
- Weather and Fertilisers during 2016-17
- Fertiliser Sector during 2015-16
- City Compost for Swachh Bharat
- Make Fertilisers in India
- Innovations in Fertiliser Production
- GST and Fertiliser Sector
- Nitrogen in Indian Agriculture
- Union Budget 2016-17 - Focus on Agriculture, Silent on Reforms in Fertiliser Sector
- No Ease of Doing Business in Fertiliser Sector
- Fertiliser Sector Needs Strong Dose of Reforms
- Unlocking Potential of Fertiliser Sector
- Fertiliser Industry Amidst Severe Liquidity Crisis
- Managing Soil Resources for Sustainable Agriculture
- Fertiliser Sector during 2014-15
- Monsoon Rains and Fertiliser Use